Win Lots of Prizes at Pickleland

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Pickleland Unveils Thrilling Membership Giveaway

Pickleball fans in the Austin region have a sensational opportunity to score free access to Pickleland, the highly anticipated new facility premiering in Pflugerville this June 2024. Pickleland has unveiled an exhilarating contest that will award one fortunate winner a complimentary premium membership for an entire year.

This splendid giveaway has generated tremendous excitement as Pickleland prepares to open its doors. The facility’s owners aim to engage the local pickleball community right from the outset by offering this chance at a yearlong premium membership.

“We wanted to provide an enthralling way for people to get involved with Pickleland from day one,” said founder Alejandro Rioja. “Gifting a year of free premium access will allow the triumphant participant to fully experience our unparalleled amenities at no cost.”

The premium annual membership grants unlimited court usage, guest privileges, discounts at the pro shop, and an array of other perks. Pickleland is meticulously crafting a state-of-the-art facility with 9 indoor climate-controlled courts, a viewing lounge mezzanine, full-service bar, and more.

Entering this electrifying contest is straightforward – simply visit and subscribe to Pickleland’s mailing list before March 2024. The victorious entrant will be randomly chosen shortly thereafter and notified electronically.

Rioja added, “We can hardly wait to inaugurate Pickleland and witness players of all skill levels in action. This contest presents an early enthusiast with an extraordinary opportunity for unlimited play throughout our debut year – absolutely gratis!”

So don’t delay, Austin pickleballers! Submit your applications here swiftly, as one fortunate participant will secure a tremendous prize even before Pickleland’s official commencement this summer.



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