Best Foot Forward
**Guy just finished building himself up — talking about his nice traits, affiliations and accomplishments. Girl: That was impressive! I’m surprised nothing came up when...
**Guy just finished building himself up — talking about his nice traits, affiliations and accomplishments. Girl: That was impressive! I’m surprised nothing came up when...
“How can you be heartbroken? I didn’t even know you were in a relationship.” “Well, that’s exactly what he said when I broke up with...
“Are you and Jacob still together?” “Not anymore. We broke up because he thought semicolons are only used to make wink emojis.”
“I’m confident I’ll be safe from the virus. I eat raw garlic 3-5 times daily.” “I doubt it! It’s the virus we’re fighting, not vampires.”
Guy at Costco: “Hey ma’am, you don’t need to line up to get inside. Just tell the guard that you’re 65 and they’ll let you...
Bored Roommate to Alexa: “Alexa, stop the pandemic!”
Guy 1: Hope you can come for a visit this weekend. But hey, don’t bring that girl again with you. Last time she visited my...
“Hey! Lisa said she can’t find you anywhere on social media. Are you okay?” “Oh definitely! I had to block her. Just following the social...
Woman to a friend: We’ve been on quarantine for so long. Are you curious as to how my mental health is going? I just ate...
Dad: Hey sweetie! Your mom told me you want to be a doctor when you grow up. Is that true? Daughter: No, dad. I want...